Friday, August 31, 2007

My first blog & my first OKE program

Here it is. He ain't the biggest or the meanest.
But he certainly has a go.

"GRIND smm"

A cheap assault Prowler. designed for getting in quick & doing as much damage as possible. hopefully disrupting the oppositions formation & redirecting fire away from the more expensive units. Not really designed as a tournament mech.
I thought i would take it easy on my first program. so chose a "100 NC" OKE
Anyway please let me know what you think.

More coming soon


thuferhawat said...

Hi Soupseed, nice program! If you want to, give my Carnage Heart OKE Image Creator a try. It might be helpful if you are going to post a team for the tournament. I also have a team posted on my blog, thuferhawat.

Soupseed said...

That means a lot coming from a mentat such as yourself.. err. even though you are a dead fictional character(what was you thinking, not checking the background on your employees. Especially a doctor who's wife go's missing).
Seriously though, I shall soon be using your image creator to post hopefully a flying & tank OKE.
I have also had a go with Watsons save game.
I am not going to test the above mentioned OKE's against anyone else OKE's. Its easy to perfect a program to defeat a specific OKE.
I will try to be fair!

Speedy Stevie said...

Hi Soupseed

I just rediscovered Carnage Heart.
I have played countless hours of testing and tweeking way back when.

Now that I have found a few guys loyal to this game I hope to share my oke's with others . My only real competition I had was the one on PS underground V1-I1.

I've started a CH revival blog, stop by when you get a chance.

take care

Speedy Stevie said...

Hi Again
I have something special you may be intrested in downloading over at my CH Revival blog. hint - V1.1

Speedy Stevie said...

I reposted link to the "underground" oke's.
If the download works I'll follow up with my level 1 oke's that seem to do well on the hard maps.